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Published on 06/11/2024
在中医药宝库中,有一种名为七叶草的神奇植物,它以其独特的药用价值和疗效,受到了古今医家的推崇。七叶草,学名重楼,别名七叶莲、蚤休等,属于百合科多年生草本植物。其根茎入药,具有清热解毒、消肿止痛、凉血止血等多种功效,广泛应用于临床治疗。 一、七叶草的药用价值 1. 清热解毒:七叶草性味苦、微寒,归肝经。其具有清热解毒的功效,对于感冒发热、咽喉肿痛、口舌生疮、乳腺炎等疾病有显著疗效。 2. 消肿止痛:七叶草能活血化瘀,消肿止痛,对于跌打损伤、风湿痹痛、关节肿痛等疾病有很好的治疗效果。 3. 凉血止血:七叶草具有凉血止血的作用,对于吐血、衄血、尿血、便血等出血性疾病有一定的治疗作用。 4. 抗癌作用:七叶草中含有丰富的生物碱、多糖等活性成分,具有抗癌作用。临床研究表明,七叶草对肝癌、肺癌、胃癌等肿瘤有一定的抑制作用。 二、七叶草的临床应用 1. 治疗感冒发热:将七叶草15克,水煎服,每日2次,可清热解毒,治疗感冒发热。 2. 治疗咽喉肿痛:将七叶草15克,金银花15克,甘草6克,水煎服,每日2次,可清热解毒,消肿止痛,治疗咽喉肿痛。 3. 治疗跌打损伤:将七叶草、大黄、栀子等药材研末,用白酒调匀,外敷患处,可活血化瘀,消肿止痛,治疗跌打损伤。 4. 治疗风湿痹痛:将七叶草、威灵仙、独活等药材煎水,外洗患处,可祛风除湿,活血通络,治疗风湿痹痛。 5. 治疗毒蛇咬伤:将七叶草研末,用白酒调匀,外敷伤口,可解毒消肿,止痛,治疗毒蛇咬伤。 三、七叶草的注意事项 1. 服用七叶草时,应注意剂量,过量服用可能引起不良反应。 2. 七叶草性寒,脾胃虚寒者应慎用。 3. 七叶草含有一定毒性,孕妇及哺乳期妇女应禁用。 4. 七叶草不宜与酒同服,以免加重毒性。 总之,七叶草作为一种具有丰富药用价值的植物,在临床治疗中发挥着重要作用。然而,在使用七叶草时,还需注意其注意事项,以确保用药安全。在中医药的传承与发展中,七叶草将继续发挥其神奇疗效,为人类健康事业作出贡献。
Keep readingThese invitations triggered about thousands of ethnic groups, except for some ethnic groups who sent invitations. Su Yu arranged the distribution of all the forces.
Published on 09/07/2024
It was only after the first batch of higher forces went in that the three Terran forces arrived late. Lin Qianyi is dressed in a light-colored robe today, followed by a kind-hearted old man and a dragon gate nine and a Yi Long nine. Zi Ya Shan An Zhi Confucianism is accompanied by a veiled […]
Keep readingJust as everyone groaned … A sharp eunuch voice broke this pattern.
Published on 08/07/2024
"The emperor came-" The guard of honor came in in a mighty way, and everyone immediately reacted and knelt down. "Long live my emperor! Long live my emperor!" "This money suggestion is really really will discipline daughter in my palace all dare to talk so loudly? !” Mu Qi Tian came forward and said slowly […]
Keep readingWhen Jianghan passed the monitor Chen Yizhou with a thick nasal cold hum, Chen Yizhou seemed to mean to let Jianghan hear this, but Jianghan’s reaction to passing him made him feel more and more uncomfortable like a heavy punch.
Published on 05/07/2024
Liang Yong should clap Jianghan’s shoulder before getting up and say, "It’s really not easy for Jianghan to find you. I caught you in college every day for half a month. You are young but busier than our dean!" Jianghan one leng Liang Yongying this sounds like sarcasm, but the teacher’s face is divided into […]
Keep reading"I know everything about you. When Yunxi was in high school, Shukaku appeared behind the kaleidoscope, and there was an eternal kaleidoscope. I said it was good against the Shukaku dragon. And recently, Kyubi no Youko’s power door was fleeing."
Published on 02/07/2024
Qu Liang seems to know that the past and the future tell the story of Sun Qi, and Sun Qi is terrified. Those so-called secrets are not secrets before Qu Liang. Qu Liang’s eyes stared at Gong Sunqi’s eternal kaleidoscope, and he couldn’t avoid it. "So it’s ice scales and rays? That’s fun." As Qu […]
Keep readingTang Shiyan came to Jiaocheng in early December, and now Christmas is coming. Shen Xinyu jokingly said, "Why don’t you wait for my holiday and let’s go back to Jiaocheng together?"
Published on 02/07/2024
She said it was a joke, and as a result, the man immediately thought about it seriously, but he made some money to give her lucky money. Shen Xinyu smiled shyly and stopped talking about it. She didn’t ask him when he would go back to the end of the year. Other companies were busy. […]
Keep readingQin Yue took a few cigarettes between his fingers, picked up his mobile phone and made a call. "Have you seen Xiao Qinghe?"
Published on 28/06/2024
When I called Jane today, he just received a message from Xiao Qinghe and wanted to talk to her, but he didn’t say anything from her tone. Knowing that she was in a bad mood, he let go and hurried to kindergarten, and he was glad that he didn’t let those people continue to be […]
Keep reading"Good go back to sleep" was tossed by him for so long, but Qin Yue still couldn’t bear to say a harsh word to her, picked her up and held her back to Jane and his home.
Published on 24/06/2024
At this time, Jane should be asleep. Qin Yuemen walks with special care and carefully carries Qin Xiaobao to the guest room. He took it, covered her, and adjusted the room temperature to a moderate level. He must not be cold to this little girl. Seeing that she was asleep, Qin Yue sat down on […]
Keep readingLook at the man lying across the chair. "Do you think we can really break through?"
Published on 21/06/2024
"You are already together. What else is impossible?" Wesley handed the paper towel to Miao. "In fact, it is just to fulfill one of Bout’s requirements. You can regard this action as an adventure experience and give life a little different feeling!" "Do I have a choice?" The following frustrated took Wesley’s paper towel and […]
Keep reading"It’s better to let the little master see what Cao Ying’s secret is." The new land regained its spirit and withdrew from the anti-tracking program to re-invade Cao Ying’s notes. There was no concern. The new land broke the firewall like a sweeping siege.
Published on 16/06/2024
In addition to some basic information, the new land made a hidden program and blew a loud whistle with a smile. "It’s time to reveal the secret … five … four … three … two … one …" When the new land typed the hidden documents, one ugly photo came into view. The photos were […]
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